Tuesday 4 June 2013

Tolga Kurtoglu: Outdoors Enthusiast

Tolga Kurtoglu considers himself to be an outdoors enthusiast because whenever he is not working, Tolga Kurtoglu spends time enjoying the great outdoors. Tolga Kurtoglu enjoys many different outdoors activities. One of Tolga Kurtoglu’s favorite sports is soccer. Soccer is the most popular sport in the entire world and it is not difficult to find people to play it with. Tolga Kurtoglu likes to play soccer because it provides you with not only a great workout, but it is a great way to meet new poeple from around the world and to make friends. Tolga Kurtoglu often starts pick-up games of soccer in the parks near his house on weekends, and others gather to join the game. Tolga Kurtoglu also enjoys cheering for his favorite soccer team, Turkey’s Galatasaray Football Club.

Tolga Kurtoglu

Tolga Kurtoglu is also big fan of hiking. Tolga Kurtoglu has gone hiking on many different trails that are located throughout the world. Tolga Kurtoglu is someone who travels a lot. Whenever Tolga Kurtoglu travels to a new location, he makes sure to visit some of the local hiking trails that are in that area, whether they are just small trails in the woods, or mountainous treks. Tolga Kurtoglu enjoys hiking because it can be a slow and relaxing activity more suited to taking in the landscape, or it can also be a strenuous activity that provides you with a great workout. Tolga Kurtoglu highly recommends hiking for those at all fitness levels. While a student at Carnegie Mellon, Tolga Kurtoglu knew all of the good hiking trails in the Pennsylvania area and often recruited friends to go on day trips with him. Tolga Kurtoglu enjoys hiking so much that one day he hopes to hike the Appalachian trail, an extremely lengthy and challenging journey. Still, with the proper training, Tolga Kurtoglu is sure that he could conquer this goal.

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